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141 resultater for ""

Services (23)

  • Pregnancy Massage (clinic session)

    A gentle, relaxing, health-promoting full-body massage, tailored to support pregnant women, from trimester 2 until childbirth, and aiding in postpartum recovery. Massage during pregnancy can alleviate symptoms, help to ease and soothe tightness, pressure on joints, organs and ligaments, and calms stresses. Regular massage during a pregnancy can benefit Mothers, as well as their unborn baby, and supports the Mother emotionally and physiologically - and the endorphins it brings to the Mother are passed to baby as well. It can help childbirth to be easier, as well as having benefits for postpartum recovery. Massage also encourages the release of oxytocin, which is a pain reducing hormone - providing pain relief during labour and childbirth. Some of the benefits of regular massage during pregnancy are: 1. Stimulation of the blood circulation: bringing nutrients and fluids to the organs of the body, and to the baby. 2. Lymphatic drainage: detoxification, eliminating toxins and waste, and reducing oedema. 3. Promoting healthy digestion; 4. Releasing muscular tension and compression, 5. Helping avoid varicose veins; 6. Inducing deep relaxation and reducing emotional stress; 7. Helping maintain a healthy, balanced blood pressure.

  • Baby Bliss Pregnancy Package (at clinic)

    Experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with the Baby Bliss Pregnancy Package from ReikiEma. The package includes a full-body massage tailored specifically for pregnancy, a Reiki treatment to balance and energize your body and mind, and a guided meditation that allows you to connect with your baby on a deeper level. The massage helps to ease tight muscles, alleviate nausea, and improve circulation, whilst the Reiki treatment helps to balance your energy holistically, and promotes deep relaxation and uplift. Book now to enjoy a smoother and more blissful pregnancy journey.

  • At Home Pregnancy Massage

    A gentle, relaxing, health-promoting full-body massage, tailored to support pregnant women, from trimester 2 until childbirth, and aiding in postpartum recovery - in the comfort and convenience of your own home! Massage during pregnancy can alleviate symptoms, help to ease and soothe tightness, pressure on joints, organs and ligaments, and calms stresses. Regular massage during a pregnancy can benefit Mothers, as well as their unborn baby, and supports the Mother emotionally and physiologically - and the endorphins it brings to the Mother are passed to baby as well. It can help childbirth to be easier, as well as having benefits for postpartum recovery. Massage also encourages the release of oxytocin, which is a pain reducing hormone - providing pain relief during labour and childbirth. Some of the benefits of regular massage during pregnancy are: 1. Stimulation of the blood circulation: bringing nutrients and fluids to the organs of the body, and to the baby. 2. Lymphatic drainage: detoxification, eliminating toxins and waste, and reducing oedema. 3. Promoting healthy digestion; 4. Releasing muscular tension and compression, 5. Helping avoid varicose veins; 6. Inducing deep relaxation and reducing emotional stress; 7. Helping maintain a healthy, balanced blood pressure.

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Events (27)

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Andre sider (31)

  • Train in Reiki with ReikiEma

    Reiki courses *NY* Reiki 1 (begynder) kursus (foreløbige kursusdatoer nedenfor) En introduktion til Reiki, og 4 justeringer fra UK Reiki Federation Registered Reiki Master Teacher Ema Melanaphy for at give dig helbredende hænder. Lær om Reiki og de måder, du kan bruge det på! Opdag, hvad energihealing er, og lær om kroppens forskellige energisystemer. På Reiki 1 (det ikke-professionelle niveau) kan du bruge Reiki til dig selv, familie og venner og selskabsdyr. Du vil også finde ud af andre måder, hvorpå Reiki kan bruges i dit liv (Reiki-meditationer, hands-off og hands-on behandlinger og meget mere), og håndpositionerne for at give en fuld behandling . Kurserne løber i 2 sammenhængende hele dage - medbring gerne din egen frokost. Som en del af dette kursus modtager studerende en Reiki 1 manual, færdiggørelsesbevis og snacks/drikkevarer under kurset. Minimum klassestørrelse er 2 personer, kursusdepositum er £50. Pris: £200 i alt (saldoen betales 2 uger før kurset ) *NY* Reiki 2 * (Praktitioner) kursus (foreløbige kursusdatoer nedenfor) Et 2-dages kursus på Practitioner-niveau, inklusive manual, certifikat og justeringer på niveau 2 fra Reiki Master Ema Melanaphy. Tag din nuværende erfaring, læring og forståelse af Reiki til det næste niveau. Lær hvordan du bruger de symboler, der kommer i spil på dette højere niveau, samt mere avancerede energiarbejdsteknikker. Niveau 2 indeholder også praktisk vejledning, juridisk og forretningsinformation omkring oprettelse af din egen professionelle Reiki-praksis og ser på selvudvikling og faglig udvikling. Kurserne løber i 2 sammenhængende dage, og du vil blive tilbudt løbende støtte og mentorordning fra din Reiki Master efter afslutningen. Minimum klassestørrelse er 2 personer, kursusdepositum er £50. Pris: £250 i alt (saldoen betales 2 uger før kurset) *Reiki 1 er en forudsætning for dette kursus Reiki 1 student, 2023 "Chilled and relaxing"

  • Wisdom Keepers Video | ReikiEma

    Wisdom Keepers Video Wisdom Keepers: Connect to the Light Within Se forhåndsvisning £ Køb fra 1 £ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Kopier link Link kopieret

  • ReikiEma's Story

    Min historie Hej, jeg hedder Ema! Jeg er et nørdet menneske med en passion for læring, selvudvikling, holistiske og komplementære terapier og at hjælpe mennesker (af alle arter) til at leve deres bedste liv! Efter at have arbejdet i den offentlige sektor i over 10 år, og efter at have nået mit "drømmejob" som projektleder, fik jeg en ændring af prioriteter og indså, at det var tid til at gøre tingene på min egen måde - at leve livet med det gør mit hjerte glad! Jeg åbnede min virksomhed i begyndelsen af 2020, da jeg kvalificerede mig som professionel Reiki-udøver - og på trods af min (velsagt tvivlsomme) timing, er jeg stadig meget her - ved at være fleksibel og styre de sidste par års kurvebolde! Jeg trives med at finde nye, kreative måder at bringe mit arbejde fremad, støtte og hjælpe andre – og også mig selv! Jeg er i øjeblikket en kvalificeret Reiki Master Teacher, og tilbyder Reiki kurser og Reiki sessioner for mennesker og dyr. Jeg underviser også i meditation, er holistisk akupressur-udøver og Shiatsu-studerende, i år 2 (selvom mit 3. år) af Manchester Shiatsu College's Level 4 Professional Practitioner Diploma. Som en multipotentialite er mine interesser, lidenskaber og vision vidtrækkende, så hold øje med dette rum for flere opdateringer om seje nye retninger og tråde til tapetet af min porteføljekarriere! Jeg melder mig også frivilligt til RSPCA og er involveret i et fantastisk Animal Reiki-studie med University of Chester i forbindelse med RSPCA! Super spændende ting - mere følger om det, i april 2022! Mit behandlingsrum er i det centrale Warrington, ved Suite 3, 3-5 Wilson Patten Street (på tværs af vejen fra Go Outdoors, tæt på Bank Quay Train Station og 5 minutters gang fra Golden Square Shopping Centre). Du kan kontakte mig på telefon (07521 125618), WhatsApp, e-mail (, besked, og jeg er også på sociale medier (links ovenfor )

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Programmer (17)

  • 5 Elements and You: Harness the Power of Energetic Alignment (Beginners Course)

    Discover the profound impact of the Holistic Model of 5 Elements Theory on your overall wellbeing and balance. This self-paced course is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their lives through a deeper understanding of the natural elements that influence our daily existence. Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a holistic practitioner, or someone looking to bring more harmony into your life, this course offers valuable insights and practical applications. What You'll Learn: The foundational principles of the 5 Elements Theory (of Traditional Chinese Medicine); How to identify the influence of each element in your life; Ideas for balancing and harmonising these elements for improved wellbeing; Practical exercises and tools to integrate the 5 Elements Theory into your daily routine. Why Enrol? By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive foundational understanding of how the 5 Elements Theory can be used to support better holistic health, emotional balance, and your overall quality of life. You'll gain the skills to notice and benefit from the subtle influences and interactions of these elements, leading to a more intentional and empowered life. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the secrets to a more harmonious existence, with '5 Elements and You.'

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