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  • Our Privacy Policy at ReikiEma

    Polityka prywatności Dane zbieramy Zbieramy i przechowujemy informacje gromadzone automatycznie przez tę witrynę internetową oraz wszelkie informacje, które podajesz za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, formularza, tekstu lub telefonu. Wszelkie podane przez Ciebie informacje będą wykorzystywane wyłącznie do celów, dla których je podałeś (na przykład przy użyciu adresu e-mail lub numeru telefonu, aby odpowiedzieć na Twoją wiadomość lub umówić się na spotkanie, jeśli o to poprosiłeś że), w odniesieniu do ReikiEma. ​ Zbieramy również adres IP (protokół internetowy) używany przez komputer do łączenia się z Internetem, informacje o komputerze i połączeniu oraz historię zakupów. Możemy używać narzędzi analitycznych do mierzenia i gromadzenia informacji o Twojej sesji w witrynie , w tym czasu odpowiedzi strony, czasu spędzonego na niektórych stronach, informacji o interakcji na stronie oraz sposobu, w jaki przeglądasz stronę poza nią. Zbieramy również dane osobowe (w tym adres e-mail, imię i nazwisko, komunikację), komentarze, opinie, recenzje, rekomendacje i profil osobisty. ​ Jak wykorzystujemy Twoje dane Nie sprzedajemy i nigdy nie będziemy sprzedawać Twoich danych. Nie będziemy udostępniać Twoich danych żadnej innej organizacji (chyba że jest to wymagane przez Wielką Brytanię lub obowiązujące prawo lub regulacje międzynarodowe). Nie będziemy wykorzystywać Twoich danych w związku z jakimkolwiek innym przedsięwzięciem lub przedsięwzięciem biznesowym bez uprzedniego uzyskania Twojej zgody. ​ Informacje, które zbieramy na temat korzystania przez Ciebie z witryny, mogą być wykorzystywane do poznania Twoich preferencji jako klienta, a także mogą służyć do zrozumienia wydajności i skuteczności samej witryny, aby poprawić jej dostępność i skuteczność. ​ Zbieramy te dane osobowe i nieosobowe w następujących celach: Aby zapewnić i uruchomić Usługi; Aby zapewnić naszym użytkownikom i odwiedzającym stałą pomoc dla klientów i wsparcie techniczne; Aby móc kontaktować się z naszymi gośćmi i użytkownikami za pomocą ogólnych lub spersonalizowanych powiadomień dotyczących usług i wiadomości promocyjnych; Aby tworzyć zagregowane dane statystyczne i inne zagregowane/wnioskowane informacje nieosobowe, które my lub nasi partnerzy biznesowi możemy wykorzystać do świadczenia i ulepszania naszych usług; Aby przestrzegać wszelkich obowiązujących przepisów i regulacji. ​ ​​ Jak przechowujemy Twoje dane jest hostowana na platformie udostępnia nam platformę internetową, która pozwala nam sprzedawać Ci nasze usługi. Twoje dane mogą być przechowywane za pośrednictwem magazynu danych, baz danych i ogólnych aplikacji Przechowują Twoje dane na bezpiecznych serwerach za zaporą ogniową. ​ Jak i dlaczego możemy się z Tobą skontaktować Możemy skontaktować się z Tobą, aby powiadomić Cię o Twoich zabiegach, dokonać przeglądu Twoich zabiegów, rozwiązać spór, zebrać należne opłaty lub należne pieniądze, zbadać Twoje opinie za pomocą ankiet lub kwestionariuszy, wysłać aktualizacje dotyczące naszej firmy lub jako w inny sposób konieczne, aby wyegzekwować naszą Umowę użytkownika, obowiązujące przepisy prawa Wielkiej Brytanii oraz wszelkie umowy, które możemy zawrzeć z Tobą. W tych celach możemy kontaktować się z Tobą za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, telefonu, wiadomości tekstowych i poczty. Ciasteczka używa niezbędnych i funkcjonalnych plików cookie, które są przechowywane na Twoim komputerze. Dalsze szczegóły są dostępne na naszej stronie Informacje o plikach cookie . ​ Zgoda Jeśli chcesz zrezygnować lub cofnąć zgodę na zbieranie, przechowywanie i wykorzystywanie Twoich danych, jak określono powyżej, poinformuj nas o tym e-mailem na adres: lub listownie na adres: ReikiEma (FAO Ema Melanafia) Apartament 3, 3-5 Wilson Patten Street Warrington Cheshire WA1 1PG ​ Aktualizacje Polityki Prywatności Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do zmiany niniejszej polityki prywatności w dowolnym momencie, dlatego prosimy o częste jej przeglądanie. Zmiany i wyjaśnienia wejdą w życie natychmiast po ich zamieszczeniu na stronie. Jeśli wprowadzimy istotne zmiany w niniejszej polityce, powiadomimy Cię tutaj, że została ona zaktualizowana, abyś wiedział, jakie informacje zbieramy, w jaki sposób je wykorzystujemy oraz w jakich okolicznościach, jeśli w ogóle, wykorzystujemy i/lub ujawniamy to. ​ Zapytania i prośby o dostęp do tematu Jeśli chcesz uzyskać dostęp, zmienić, poprawić lub usunąć jakiekolwiek informacje, które posiadamy o Tobie, skontaktuj się z nami za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej na adres: lub listownie na adres: ReikiEma (FAO Ema Melanafia) Apartament 3, 3-5 Wilson Patten Street Warrington Cheshire WA1 1PG Wyślemy Ci odpowiedź na Twoją prośbę w ten sam sposób, w jaki się z nami skontaktowałeś, bezzwłocznie i w terminie 30 dni (zgodnie z prawem Wielkiej Brytanii)

  • Giving back! ReikiEma's volunteering in Warrington, UK

    Zgłaszanie się na ochotnika My Animal Reiki Story - from RSPCA volunteer to Accredited Professional Rok 2020 był rokiem, w którym zacząłem być wolontariuszem w RSPCA! Jestem pasjonatem dobrostanu zwierząt (i dużego pluszaka), więc postanowiłam wychować kota, który potrzebuje bezpiecznego, kochającego domu! Niedługo po tym, jak Tiggs (na zdjęciu ze mną po prawej) wrócił ze mną do domu, zacząłem zauważać niezwykłą zmianę w jego zachowaniu, kiedy dałem mu Reiki! Stawał się fizycznie zrelaksowany, kładąc się i wyglądał na bardzo zachwyconego – byłoby też mruczenie i trochę jak kotek tarzał się po podłodze! Nie tylko to, ale ogólny stan emocjonalny i poziom dobrostanu Tiggsa również zaczęły się zmieniać. Z bardzo zestresowanego, niezwykle czujnego chłopca (który podskakiwałby przy najmniejszym hałasie i kulił się, gdyby przypadkiem coś przewrócił lub złapał mnie pazurem podczas zabawy) do wyluzowanej, eleganckiej jaszczurki wypoczywającej. na ulubionym kaloryferze lub parapecie! Nie zrozum mnie źle – Tiggs wciąż bywa zestresowany, ale jego ogólna postawa i odporność emocjonalna znacznie się poprawiły – jest jak inny chłopiec! ​ Więc oczywiście zaoferowałem RSPCA moje usługi jako wolontariusz, aby przyjść i dać Reiki kilku innym mieszkańcom RSPCA! To bardzo pomogło mojemu Tiggsowi i chciałem pomóc jak największej liczbie potrzebujących zwierząt. ​ Przewiń do dzisiaj: jestem teraz wykwalifikowanym terapeutą Animal Reiki i nadal jestem wolontariuszem w RSPCA co tydzień (mam tam nawet własną szafkę!). Mój czas tam bardzo wiele mnie uczy, pozwala mi nawiązać kontakt z pięknymi, łagodnymi duszami, które często przeżyły traumę, nadużycia i problemy fizyczne, i pomóc im wzmocnić i uzdrowić. To może być czasami łamią serce, ale ich niesamowita odporność i zdolność do ponownego zaufania jest tak silna - są moimi bohaterami! Kocham ich wszystkich i chcę im pomóc tak bardzo, jak tylko mogę. ​ (Na wypadek, gdyby ktoś się zastanawiał, Tiggs to przybrana porażka! ) Ema już od jakiegoś czasu pracuje jako wolontariuszka w oddziale RSPCA Warrington, Halton & St Helens, a zmiany, których dokonała, są niezwykłe! Ema jest zawsze taka spokojna, wyrozumiała i cierpliwa wobec zwierząt. Zawsze pyta o różne sposoby, w jakie każde zwierzę woli otrzymywać Reiki i jest niezwykle elastyczna, aby dopasować się do potrzeb każdego zwierzęcia. Większość zwierząt, które znajdują się pod naszą opieką, cierpiała z powodu maltretowania lub zaniedbania, czemu Ema okazuje prawdziwe współczucie. Wiedza i umiejętności Emy to fantastyczny atut w naszym oddziale. Wszyscy jesteśmy niezmiernie wdzięczni za poświęcony czas i zaangażowanie Emy i w 100% polecilibyśmy jej usługi każdemu zwierzęciu, które potrzebuje dodatkowej pomocy/wsparcia. Alana Bibby Lider zespołu ds. dobrostanu zwierząt Jestem również niesamowicie szczęśliwy, że mogę uczestniczyć w badaniu Animal Reiki z University of Chester i Warrington Halton i RSPCA St Helens! Co zaskakujące, nie ma zbyt wielu danych na temat efektów Animal Reiki, więc nie ma lepszego sposobu, aby pomóc otworzyć tę niesamowitą terapię na większą liczbę potrzebujących zwierząt, niż zrobić coś, aby temu zaradzić! ​ Skontaktowałem się z wydziałem badań nad zwierzętami na Uniwersytecie w Chester, za pośrednictwem ich niesamowitego centrum biznesowego, i podsunąłem pomysł przeprowadzenia badania, aby przyjrzeć się behawioralnemu wpływowi Reiki na psy ratownicze. Tak więc zbieranie danych jest w toku, a po lewej widać Dennisa, który cieszy się efektami ubocznymi mojego wysyłania Reiki na odległość do jednego z jego kolegów z hodowli, podczas dnia zbierania danych w lipcu 2021 roku. Powinienem o tym wspomnieć, kiedy ja Po raz pierwszy spotkałem go, Dennis był niesamowicie płochliwym, bojaźliwym chłopcem, który unikał moich rąk i próbował się za mną ukryć. Z jednej skrajności w drugą! Czy nie? tylko Uwielbiam ten moment „musisz… zachować… oczy…… zzzzzz”. ​ Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące Animal Reiki, możesz wysłać mi wiadomość poniżej, zasubskrybować i śledzić mnie w mediach społecznościowych! ​ Book Animal Reiki

  • Pregnancy & Post-Natal Massage Client Fo | ReikiEma

    Pregnancy & Post-Natal Massage Client Form Pregnancy/Post-Natal Massage: Medical & Consent Form * First name * Last name * Date of Birth Miesiąc * Address * Phone Email * Emergency Contact: Name & relationship to you * Emergency Contact: Phone number (for us to phone/text) How did you hear about ReikiEma? Google Search Other Website Search Recommendation/Word of Mouth Social Media Other Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter. * Have you received Massage Therapy or Bodywork before (including before pregnancy)? Yes No Medical Details * GP Address * GP Surgery Phone number * Have you received Massage Therapy or any other Complementary or Holistic Therapies before? Past Complementary Therapies/Massage If yes, what type of therapy, and (approximately) when was your last treatment? Other therapies * Are you currently taking any Medication? Yes - prescribed Yes - not prescribed No * If you are taking any medications, please specify the name if you can, and what it's for. Medications info * Do you exercise? Yes No If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how many times per week, for how long, and what type(s) of exercise? Exercise info Please list and briefly describe any conditions or symptoms you have experienced, or are experiencing. * Any allergies or sensitivities * Have you had any serious or chronic illness, operations or traumatic accidents? Serious or chronic illness, surgery or traumatic accidents * Pre-natal Care Provider Pre-natal Care Provider info May I have permission to contact your Care Provider? * Due Date Miesiąc * This is my (number: 1st, 2nd etc) Pregnancy Pregnancy Number * This will be my (number: 1st, 2nd...) birth. Birth number * Please tick current problems. Anaemia Leaking Amniotic Fluid, or Vaginal Bleeding * Bladder infection * Uterine bleeding * Blood clot or phlebitis * Chronic hypertension * Abdominal Cramping * Diabetes (gestational or mellitus) Oedema/swelling Fatigue Headaches Insomnia High Blood Pressure * Leg cramps Miscarriage * Heartburn Nausea Problems with placenta * Pre-term labour * Pre-eclampsia (toxemia) * Sciatica Separation of the rectus muscles Separation of the symphysis pubis Skin disorders / athlete's foot Excess thirst Varicose Veins Visual disturbances * Previous caesarian birth Contagious conditions Muscle sprain/strain Heart attack/stroke Constipation Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Low Blood Pressure Morning sickness Anxiety, stress or mood swings Breathlessness Other conditions or problems in current or past pregnancy (please detail below) Anything else you would like me to know? (please detail below) Current pregnancy conditions and symptoms * Please tick any problems experienced in previous pregnancy(ies) Anaemia Leaking Amniotic Fluid, or Vaginal Bleeding Bladder infection Uterine bleeding Blood clot or phlebitis Chronic hypertension Abdominal Cramping Diabetes (gestational or mellitus) Oedema/swelling Fatigue Headaches Insomnia High Blood Pressure Leg cramps Miscarriage Heartburn Nausea Problems with placenta Pre-term labour Pre-eclampsia (toxemia) Sciatica Separation of the rectus muscles Separation of the symphysis pubis Skin disorders / athlete's foot Excess thirst Varicose Veins Visual disturbances Previous caesarian birth Contagious conditions Muscle sprain/strain Heart attack/stroke Constipation Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Low Blood Pressure Morning sickness Anxiety, stress or mood swings Breathlessness Other conditions or problems in current or past pregnancy (please detail below) Anything else you would like me to know? (please detail below) Previous pregnancy conditions and symptoms Further details on current/past pregnancy conditions/symptoms Further details on pregnancy conditions/symptoms I am experiencing a low risk/high risk pregnancy, according to my doctor/midwife. Disclaimer / Client Statement For my records, I need to confirm that you have read, understood and answered all of the previous questions. If there is anything you do not understand, or wish to ask about, please ask me now (before signing this statement). Otherwise, please read the following statement, and sign below to show that you agree. To the best of my knowledge, the information I have given in this form is true, and I have not withheld any information concerning my health. I will keep Ema Melanaphy updated on my health, should there be any changes to the answers already given. If I have, or develop any medical complications (marked with * in the list above) I will discuss the condition with my massage therapist, and will get a medical release signed by my pre-natal care provider, before continuing bodywork. * Client Signature Wyczyść Date Miesiąc Submit

  • ReikiEma Rewards | ReikiEma

    Dom O Treatments Gifting Projects Wiadomości i wydarzenia Members Search Results Refer Friends More Zdobywaj punkty i wymieniaj je na nagrody Zostań użytkownikiem 01 Zarejestruj się Zarejestruj się na stronie, aby zacząć korzystać z programu lojalnościowego 02 Zdobądź punkty Book a session Zdobądź 20 punktów Purchase a product Zdobądź 1 punkt za każde wydane US$1 Sign up to the site Zdobądź 50 punktów RSVP to an event Zdobądź 10 punktów Buy a ticket Zdobądź 1 punkt za każde wydane US$1 Order a plan Zdobądź 30 punktów 03 Odbierz nagrody 10% off all events 25 punktów = Rabat 10% na wszystkie bilety 10% off all bookings 30 punktów = Rabat 10% na najtańszą pozycję w koszyku A free Treatment 555 punktów = Rabat 100% na najtańszą pozycję w koszyku Free Meditation 30 punktów = Rabat 100% na wybrany produkt Half-price treatment 300 punktów = Rabat 50% na najtańszą pozycję w koszyku ReikiEma Rewards

  • ReikiEma Gift Cards

    E-gift Cards eGift Card £25 You can't go wrong with a gift card. Choose an amount and write a personalized message to make this gift perfect! Wellbeing treats for everyone - from Reiki to Pregnancy Massage, and Courses. ... Dowiedz się więcej Wartość £25 £50 £100 £150 £200 Inna kwota Sztuk Kup teraz The gift of Wellbeing: from Reiki to Womb Massage, from Reiki Meditation downloads to Reiki courses. Make someone's day with a thoughtful present that's as unique and special as they are.

  • ReikiEma's News and Events

    Events Discover forthcoming events (Courses, Workshops and more) & buy tickets here Brak wydarzeń w tej chwili Join a live Reiki meditation and receive a short treatment. Feel uplifted and recharged. Learn about Reiki & be attuned, so that you can give treatments to yourself, friends and family.

  • Consultation Forms | ReikiEma

    Pre-treatment Consultation Forms & New Client Information New Client Form (Reiki, Womb Massage & Shiatsu) "Natural Lift" Holistic Facial Massage - Client Form Pregnancy and Post-Natal Massage: Client Form Animal Reiki Terms & Conditions Under-16s Reiki Consent Form Terms & Conditions, and Client Code of Care

  • Animal Healing Meditation | ReikiEma

    Animal Healing Meditation Podgląd £ Kup od 5,99 GBP Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Skopiuj link Link skopiowany

  • Discover Shiatsu Therapy at ReikiEma in Warrington

    About Shiatsu "The Art of Touch" “Shiatsu is a touch based therapy that applies pressure to areas of the surface of the body through loose comfortable clothing for the purpose of promoting and maintaining wellbeing. A Shiatsu practitioner will initially consult with the client and plan the Shiatsu treatment. The client will then be positioned comfortably, with appropriate adjustments being made throughout the session. Clear and accurate aftercare advice will be given. Shiatsu is a Japanese word that literally means finger pressure and derives its theoretical and practical roots from the ancient traditions of Oriental medicine. Today it is an autonomous treatment method influenced by Chinese, Japanese and Western knowledge. In addition to being regularly used by thousands of people all over the world, a variety of charities, health foundations, NHS trusts and hospitals in the United Kingdom provide Shiatsu to support patients whilst receiving treatment for a range of health issues and to help them maintain their general wellbeing. ​ Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council What is Shiatsu? Welcome to ReikiEma, where I provide a range of holistic therapies to help you achieve balance and vitality. While many people associate Shiatsu with massage chairs and gadgets, it is actually a powerful and little-understood therapy that can have a profound impact on your health and well-being. Allow me to introduce you to this transformative therapy, today. Book now Shiatsu's Background Discover the ancient healing art of Shiatsu at my Holistic Therapy practice. Originating in Japan and rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interconnected relationship between the body, mind, and spirit. With my expertise, you can release tension, reduce stress, and achieve overall balance in your life. Originating in Japan, with its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anma (an ancient form of Chinese massage similar to Tui Na, which was taken to Japan in the 10th Century CE.) The system of Anma was later developed as a profession for people who were blind; with Anma schools for the blind being founded across Japan - sighted people were banned from practising Anma! Book now In the 20th Century, Shiatsu was created as a healing modality, in its own right - making use of techniques from Anma, and other Japanese healing therapies, as well as the Traditional Chinese Medicine system of meridians and acupressure points in the body. Since its creation, Shiatsu has been developed and evolved to reflect many different approaches and techniques by different teachers and practitioners, and ranges from taking a Western/Eastern hybrid approach, though Zen Shiatsu, which uses extensions of the Classical Meridians, developed by a prominent teacher/practitioner in the 20th Century: Shizuko Masunaga . There is also "Seiki" - developed by one of Masunaga's top students, Akinobu Kishi . Seiki relies on "being" rather than "doing", more in the realm of the energetic and less on "working" meridians (not Reiki, but with many areas of communality). What connects all of these diverse schools of, and approaches to Shiatsu, are the therapeutic relationship between receiver and practitioner, the element of healing through touch, and the energetic connection between giver and receiver, which takes place during treatments. ​ ​ Book now What happens in a Shiatsu session? Shiatsu is highly adaptable, and can be tailored to people in most states of health and medical conditions. A Shiatsu treatment can be carried out with the receiver seated at a desk, lying on a treatment table, or (more traditionally) on a comfortable futon mat, on the floor. Book now Before a first treatment, the practitioner will often ask their client a fairly detailed set of questions around lifestyle, medical history and about the client's general picture of health and wellbeing. These questions help the practitioner to build up a picture of their client’s energetic picture, and any factors which are likely to be impacting on their overall holistic health and wellbeing. Some practitioners will ask to see a client’s tongue, as the Traditional Chinese Medicine technique of "tongue diagnosis" can be incorporated into Shiatsu; whereas some practitioners use observation of the client’s movements, speech, behaviour (what they say & do as well as how they say & do it) and any other outward signs of energetic or constitutional patterns – sometimes using the 5-elements/phases model as a framework. ​ There will normally be a pre-treatment conversation, which usually covers asking the client which lying positions they are comfortable with, whether there are any areas they would prefer not to be worked on (some people are sensitive about their feet, for example), any symptoms present on that day, as well as giving the Shiatsu receiver the chance to decide/say what they would like to get from that day's treatment. ​ After the pre-conversation, the client will be invited to lie down on the Shiatsu futon or treatment table (wearing comfortable, loose clothing, and having removed shoes and any chunky jewellery/watches/glasses), and offered a pillow and/or blanket/bolsters for additional support/comfort. Book now The Shiatsu practitioner often begins a treatment with “Hara diagnosis” – palpating areas of their client’s abdominal area, each of which correspond to a Traditional Chinese Medicine organ (reflexologists do the same). Hara Diagnosis offers the practitioner the chance to connect with their receiver's energy, to observe the relative qualities of energy in the different Chinese organs, and how they respond to the practitioner's own energy. Shiatsu practitioners will often use the information they pick up during Hara diagnosis, to decide which meridians will likely be their focus for the treatment - this is particularly the case with Zen Shiatsu practitioners. In the treatment itself, the practitioner uses hands (palming), thumbs (thumbing) and sometimes even knees, fore-arms and elbows, to work along the meridian lines (or energy channels) of their client’s body. Sometimes they will incorporate movement into the treatment, and include supported rotations, and/or stretches. Shiatsu practitioners are trained in safely and confidently moving amd supporting their clients’ legs, arms, heads, feet etc, and so if the client is able to completely relax and make their body as loose and floppy as possible, this is best for the treatment. "Helping” by doing the movement yourself actually means that you won’t get the full benefit of the movement – although this isn’t easy to (not) do for everybody, especially if you're new to Shiatsu - and your practitioner should understand if you find yourself not able to fully relax into being moved, straight away. Book now Book now What to expect after Shiatsu After a treatment, clients may feel a little light-headed or “spacey”, and so they’re encouraged to sit and drink some water or tea, and come back fully, before leaving after a Shiatsu session. Their practitioner will offer advice on ways to support their wellbeing (such as activities which will help support the work they have begun in the session, food energetics) and if the receiver has any questions, they are free to ask them – although as with Reiki and other energy-work modalities, the experience of the receiver is most important. It’s advisable to stay well hydrated after a Shiatsu treatment, to take things easy if possible. There may be a few aches and pains after Shiatsu, because it can be uncomfortable to re-establish a flow of energy where there may have been stagnation or deficiency - think about how it feels when the blood starts flowing to a hand or foot again, after circulation has been cut off for a while! The body can also sometimes go into a detoxification state, and some people feel a little under the weather because of this – they might have mild cold symptoms, or a minor headache, for example. This should only last for a day or two at most, and will only be very mild. Book now What does Shiatsu do? Each treatment will feel very different, and will do different things. What you need, and how you'll receive the maximum benefit on the day, depends upon your energy at the time of treatment. And one crucial thing you need to know about energy is that it doesn't stay still! It's always moving, changing and transforming. This is true of the energy around us, as well as the energy within our bodies and the energy that makes us, well, us! Some of the general overall outcomes intended by the practitioner for each Shiatsu session are: to help bring the person’s Qi into better balance; to promote the smooth, healthy flow of Qi through the meridians; and to help alleviate any aches, pains physical discomfort and symptoms which may be present. A Shiatsu treatment can be a deeply relaxing experience, a vigorous enlivening experience, a profoundly moving spiritual experience, and anything in-between! Shiatsu can help people to feel connected into their own bodies – and can bring a sense of peace and stillness. Some people describe it as "like going to church", others say it’s "like connecting into the Universe", and some people find it helps them to have moments of clarity and self-awareness about how they relate to the people in their lives and the world around them. ​ It's probably fair to say that Shiatsu is not your standard massage! Book now How does Shiatsu work? Shiatsu makes use of the same energetic pathways (or Meridians) which Acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use. Shiatsu is based on the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, but many Shiatsu practitioners incorporate other elements into their treatments, as they evolve, learn and develop their practice. This is why it’s helpful to read reviews from other clients and also to talk to your practitioner before trying Shiatsu, to check whether their style and approach resonates for you. Energy work (as other forms of therapy) is always most successful when the client and practitioner’s energy resonate well with each other. Factors to consider are: how confident you feel in them and their skills, whether you feel they are compassionate (if that's what you prefer), whether their approach and way of expressing themselves feels right for you and whether you feel you just click. No matter how amazing a practitioner's skills and knowledge, you have to feel confident and safe with them, in order to reap the full benefits of the treatment. For more information about Shiatsu you can visit the Shiatsu Society (UK) or the CNHC ’s information about Shiatsu. Book now Shiatsu reviews Due to Ema massaging I have more flexibility in my joints less pain and a better understanding of my inner self and my thoughts Ema always takes time to listen to any problems you may be experiencing after my session my posture is so much better Ema is a lovely person Kate Neeson I have been receiving sessions with Ema over the last few months and I have to say they have been truly amazing. From start to finish each session has been a glorious experience. I have felt calmer, more inner peace and energised and much more focused. I highly recommend to anyone looking to improve your overall well being ​ This was my fifth session and each one seems to get better. I was so relaxed during the session today that I nearly fell asleep. I came into the session feeling tired and stressed and left feeling calm, relaxed and energised. Booking my next session soon Shiatsu client at Juniper Clinic Phil Jordan

  • Therapeutic Meditation at ReikiEma

    About Meditation "the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed..." (definition from The practice of Meditation has a long history as a religious and spiritual tool, for contemplation, connection and opening onesself up to the divine, across the world. The earliest records we have mentioning meditation, according to some sources, date back to around 1500 BCE, in Vedic texts from Hinduism. But according to an article in Psychology Today , Archeologists have discovered wall art in the Indus Valley, which depicts people sitting in, what appear to be meditation postures (sitting cross-legged on the ground, hands on knees, and eyes narrowed). ​ In Europe, the earliest writings mentioning meditation as a practice, go back as far as around 20 BCE, in the Roman Empire, with a Hellenistic Jewish writer, called Philo of Alexandria. He wrote of "some form of "spiritual exercises" involving attention (prosoche) and concentration"" (Wikipedia ). The word we use today "Meditation" comes from a Latin word "meditatum " meaning "to concentrate" or "to ponder". ​ So why has Meditation been used by so many different religions, and spiritual practitioners, throughout history? And why has it become so popular in recent times, outside of its devotional or spiritual context? The practice, by itself, can be an invaluable tool in healing and stress reduction. Whether you adhere to a particular faith or not is irrelevant—millions of people all over the world believe that meditation is the way to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts so you can listen to God. Robert Puff PhD Benefits of Meditation Meditation as a Spiritual and Wellbeing tool Meditation has been used by countless people, and its effects experienced and known of, for thousands of years. But it wasn't until 1967 that Western Science began to understand and accept the benefits of Meditation, when Dr Herbert Benson (a Professor at the Harvard Medical School) moderated a study on meditation. This study showed that people meditating used 17% less oxygen, lowered heart rates; and produced increased brain waves that could help with sleep ​ ​ Dr Benson went on to found the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine , at Massachusetts General Hospital, which furthers scientific research into Mind Body Medicine, provides training to Medical Professionals and Teachers, as well as providing therapeutic treatment for people. All I’ve done, is put a biological explanation on techniques that people have been utilizing for thousands of years. Dr Herbert Benson (interview in Time Magazine) In more recent years, the ongoing studies (around the world) have taught us more of what and how meditation works, which include: Rewiring the brain, to help people learn new thinking and behavioural patterns more easily; Decrease in levels of stress and anxiety (corresponding to a decrease in the size of the amygdala & therefore reduction in the sympathetic nervous system being activated (less "triggered" fight/flight/freeze/fawn response); Better communication between different parts of the brain; Improved concentration and attention , reduction in mind wandering; Reduction in Social Anxiety Disorder with MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction); Overcoming substance addiction and relapse; Increased "Neuroplasticity" - which can help lessen age-related brain degeneration; Finding a sense of peace and healing, for people with PTSD (N.B. - Meditation and mindfulness are not suitable in all cases, for people who have experienced, or are carrying trauma. It's important to find a qualified trauma-informed therapeutic Meditation practitioner, first, and to discuss your needs and situation with them first, to determine whether Meditation would be suitable for you. Developing skills and using techniques to help you ignore and reduce (with time) "busy mind"; Improved sleep quality; Decrease in "triggered" states such as anger, fear, panic; Improving awareness of energy (qi/ki/ch'i), inside and outside the body; Spiritual development; Energy Worker skill development. How to begin Meditating Who is Meditation For? There's no one set personality type when it comes to meditation. It's a tool which can be learned at any age, and practised in a way that suits your individual needs, challenges and goals. ​ Don't be put off if it feels uncomfortable at first, or if it seems to make things worse. Unless you have past trauma or a history of psychological disturbances or illness (in which case it's important thatyou seek professional guidance before attempting meditation, and ongoing professional support during your meditation journey), it's absolutely safe, and doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. When we bring our full awareness to what's going on in our mind, the "monkey chatter" of our brain and the thoughts it automatically produces, will usually get louder and more irritating. ​ But the good news is that, with practice and a teacher (whether that's from a book, an app, a class, or in real life), in time you'll be less disturbed by the thoughts and activity, and learn to be more compassionate to, and tolerant of, your brain's activity. The less you get caught up with that inner chatter (by caught up I mean following along with the reasoning, buying into it, or trying to fight it), like a child who's misbehaving to get attention, by moving your attention to something else (like the body, or the breath), eventually they will learn that it doesn't give them the attention they seek. ​ If schedules are busy and it's hard to find a time to sit, meditation is something we can incorporate into activities we do everyday. From walking mindfully, to eating mindfully, to doing a body scan and grounding exercise for 2 minutes at your desk at work, when you're feeling physical effects of stress. ​ You don't have to be a calm or patient person to meditate. In fact the less calm and more impatient you are, the more you would probably benefit from meditation. You just need to find the right style and the right teacher for you. And then practice, being honest with yourself. Meditation with ReikiEma As a trained and certified therapeutic Meditation Teacher, as well as a professional Energy Worker, I have many tools at my disposal, to support and empower you on your meditation journey - whatever benefits you want, or whatever goals you have in mind, for your meditation practice. 121 Therapeutic Meditation Sessions You can book a 1-hour 121 session with me, to take place in the beautiful, very special & relaxing environment at Juniper Clinic. Alternatively, I can offer 121 Meditation at Sutton House, or via video call, if circumstances or your preference means that's the best option. We'll discuss what you're looking for from the session, and then you can lie back on a cosy treatment table, and relax, whilst I guide you through a specially tailored meditation to help you where you are now. If you choose to opt for additional healing, I can incorporate Reiki as part of your session, for even deeper holistic healing. Reiki has some of its roots in the Buddhist tradition, as does Mindfulness Meditation, and it works beautifully alongside meditation for an even deeper experience. But if you're not sure about a combined treatment, or if you'd prefer a session without Reiki, that's absolutely fine. If you wish to also include a tutorial on some meditation techniques you can use on your own, I can offer that too -and I have post-session support and resources which I can share with you, should you wish. Book a 121 Meditation Session Today Online recordings and live group sessions I have a number of recorded guided meditation videos available to watch, on my website and on my YouTube channel as well. ​ And if audio meditations are more your thing, then I have good news! There are several of my audio recorded meditations available to download, at my online shop , and you can stream a range of them, on the Insight Timer App, where I'm a teacher . And if you're interested in live online group meditation broadcasts, you'll find I run some live sessions on Insight Timer as well, on a donations-only basis.

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