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Services (23)
- Reiki (clinic session)
Why not treat yourself to some real "you" time, with an in-person Reiki session, in St Helens, Wigan, or Warrington Centre Lie back and relax; enjoy the beautiful, flowing Reiki energy, whilst it works to boost your wellbeing, working on all levels. Reiki can boost the body's natural ability to heal itself; many people find it deeply relaxing, and that it has a positive impact on their emotional wellbeing and resilience. Appointments are 1 hour long, and can use light touch or be hands-off, depending on the client's preference. Reiki is done over clothing. It is safe to receive Reiki at any age, and regardless of health conditions. Reiki has no contra-indications when used on its own, and works well alongside conventional medical treatments.
- Reiki "at home" treatment
Why not treat yourself to some real "you" time, with an in-person Reiki treatment in the comfort of your own home? Lie back and relax, enjoying the beautiful Reiki energy, whilst it works to help your physical health, relaxation, and emotional wellbeing. Lie back and relax with a 1-hour in-person treatment at your home. Enjoy the beautiful Reiki energy, whilst it works to boost your wellbeing, working on all levels. Reiki can boost the body's natural ability to heal itself; many people find it deeply relaxing, and that it has a positive impact on their emotional wellbeing and resilience. This option gives you the benefit of a full Reiki treatment, working on all levels gently and safely, in the comfort of your own home, without the need to travel. (Extra charge for travel may apply, depending on location. Please contact me for details.)
- "Natural Lift" Facial Massage: Mobile
Treat yourself to the ultimate rejuvenating "Natural Lift" Facial Massage with Ema. This holistic, non-invasive treatment draws on Indian Face Massage, Japanese Facial Massage and Facial Reflexology techniques to relax tension, condition the skin, and improve facial muscle tone and definition. Incorporating massage to the shoulders, neck, scalp, and head, this treatment is the perfect way to unwind and revitalize.
Events (27)
- Reiki Level 1Tickets: £0.0012 January 2025 | 10:30
- Reiki Level 1Tickets: £0.005 January 2025 | 10:30
- Reiki 1 CourseTickets: £205.0020 October 2024 | 09:30Grave Oak Ln, Leigh WN7 3SE, UK
Other Pages (31)
- ReikiEma: Holistic Therapist, and Reiki Teacher in Cheshire, Merseyside and Manchester. Animal Reiki.
Unlock the power of Reiki with ReikiEma - a CNHC registered practitioner working across Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. Experience holistic healing, Animal Reiki therapy and Reiki training. Book your session now and discover the meaning of wellbeing! Client testimonials available. Home: Image Welcome Discover a new path to wellbeing with ReikiEma. A certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and accredited Holistic Therapist, ReikiEma offers a comprehensive range of services and wellness resources. Our offer includes Reiki therapy training for personal wellbeing or professional development, Reiki healing treatments, Reiki for animals and meditation teaching, in Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, UK. Transform your life today with ReikiEma. Book now Client Testimonials Jess, Manchester, Bretlandi "Ema er falleg manneskja inn og út. Hún er svo jákvæð og ég finn fyrir sáttinni í kringum hana. Ég vissi ekki alveg hvað Reiki var, en Ema var mjög góð að gefa mér meðferðarnámskeið sem var svo friðsælt og Mér fannst ég vera svo afslappaður! Ég sofna á þessum friðsæla stað og þegar meðferðin er búin finnst mér ég vera svo afslappaður og hress! Mæli eindregið með því!" Find available appointment times here ÞJÓNUSTA Í boði FULLT REIKI MEÐFERÐ Reiki-meðferðir í eigin persónu (með Covid-öruggum ráðstöfunum) í lækningarýminu mínu í Warrington, eða heima hjá þér! Til að bóka tíma skaltu fara beint á eða hafðu samband við mig í gegnum síma, tölvupóst, skilaboð eða samfélagsmiðla! Ég hlakka til að deila orkunni með þér!
- Train in Reiki with ReikiEma
Reiki courses *NÝTT* Reiki 1 (byrjendur) námskeið (Bráðabirgðadagsetningar námskeiðs hér að neðan) Kynning á Reiki og 4 atunements frá UK Reiki Federation Registered Reiki Master Teacher Ema Melanaphy til að gefa þér læknandi hendur. Lærðu um Reiki og hvernig þú getur notað það! Uppgötvaðu hvað orkuheilun er og lærðu um mismunandi orkukerfi líkamans. Á Reiki 1 (sem er ekki faglegt stig) geturðu notað Reiki fyrir sjálfan þig, fjölskyldu og vini og félagadýr. Þú munt líka komast að öðrum leiðum sem Reiki er hægt að nota í lífi þínu (Reiki hugleiðslur, hands-off og hands-on meðferðir og margt fleira), og handarstöður til að veita fulla meðferð . Námskeiðin standa yfir í 2 heila daga samfleytt - vinsamlegast komdu með þinn eigin nesti. Sem hluti af þessu námskeiði fá nemendur a Reiki 1 handbók, prófskírteini um lok og snarl/drykkur á námskeiðinu. Lágmarksstærð bekkjar er 2 manns, innborgunarupphæð námskeiðs er £50. Kostnaður: £200 samtals ( eftirstæður greiðast 2 vikum fyrir námskeiðið ) *NÝTT* Reiki 2 * (Practitioner) námskeið (Bráðabirgðadagsetningar námskeiðs hér að neðan) Tveggja daga iðkendanámskeið, þar á meðal handbók, vottorð og viðgerðir á stigi 2 frá Reiki Master Ema Melanaphy. Taktu núverandi reynslu þína, nám og skilning á Reiki á næsta stig. Lærðu hvernig á að nota táknin sem koma við sögu á þessu hærra stigi, sem og fullkomnari orkuvinnutækni. Stig 2 inniheldur einnig hagnýtar leiðbeiningar, lagalegar og viðskiptalegar upplýsingar um að setja upp þína eigin faglega Reiki æfingu og skoðar sjálfsþróun og faglega þróun. Námskeiðin standa yfir í 2 daga samfleytt og þér verður boðið upp á viðvarandi stuðning og leiðsögn frá Reiki meistara þínum að því loknu. Lágmarksstærð bekkjar er 2 manns, innborgunarupphæð námskeiðs er £50. Kostnaður: £250 samtals ( eftirstæður greiðast 2 vikum fyrir námskeiðið) *Reiki 1 er forsenda fyrir þessu námskeiði Reiki 1 student, 2023 "Chilled and relaxing"
- Wisdom Keepers Video | ReikiEma
Wisdom Keepers Video Wisdom Keepers: Connect to the Light Within Watch Preview £ Buy from 1 GBP Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied
Forum Posts (4)
- Reiki for AnimalsIn General Discussion·4 April 2023Have you got any questions or experiences you'd like to share, about Reiki for Animals? I started sharing Reiki with my RSPCA foster cat, Tigger, during the Summer of 2020, and was blown away by how quickly it helped him de-escalate from anxiety and panic, and start to feel safe. I remember one time, sitting at the top of the stairs with him, giving him hands-off Reiki but directly for the first time, and at a certain point he just melted - rolled onto his back, purring and showing me his tummy, like a contented little kitten! After seeing how it helped his physical symptoms too (sensitive stomach) as well as his jumpiness and reactivity, I started to offer treatments to the animals at the RSPCA shelter Tigger came from. Have you got any questions about animal Reiki, or Reiki for shelter animals? If so, ask away on this forum! Volunteering with the RSPCA was an incredible learning experience for me - in all kinds of unexpected ways, and I believe it has helped my work as a Complementary Therapist for humans, as well as for my work in Reiki for Animals. Here's a link, if you'd like to book a treatment for your companion animal. And before you go, it'd be great to hear whether you know about or are interested in Reiki for Animals, in the Poll below, as well as on the forum! So go ahead and click below - as many options as are relevant to you. And if you want to join in the conversation on the forum, you're very welcome!105
- Forum rulesIn General Discussion·8 March 2023We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: Respect each other Keep posts relevant to the forum topic No spamming000
- Introduce yourselfIn General Discussion·8 March 2023We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.000
Programs (17)
- 5 Elements and You: Harness the Power of Energetic Alignment (Beginners Course)
Discover the profound impact of the Holistic Model of 5 Elements Theory on your overall wellbeing and balance. This self-paced course is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their lives through a deeper understanding of the natural elements that influence our daily existence. Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a holistic practitioner, or someone looking to bring more harmony into your life, this course offers valuable insights and practical applications. What You'll Learn: The foundational principles of the 5 Elements Theory (of Traditional Chinese Medicine); How to identify the influence of each element in your life; Ideas for balancing and harmonising these elements for improved wellbeing; Practical exercises and tools to integrate the 5 Elements Theory into your daily routine. Why Enrol? By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive foundational understanding of how the 5 Elements Theory can be used to support better holistic health, emotional balance, and your overall quality of life. You'll gain the skills to notice and benefit from the subtle influences and interactions of these elements, leading to a more intentional and empowered life. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the secrets to a more harmonious existence, with '5 Elements and You.'