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  • Shiatsu Massage

    Originating in Japan, Shiatsu means "Finger pressure". This modality is an adaptation of Zen Shiatsu, and is done over clothing, with the client lying on a futon mat on the floor, or on a treatment table . People often find this treatment relaxing, rejuvenating, and grounding. It can help ease tight muscles and multiple treatments can help ease aching joints and promote greater mobility in some cases. I use direct pressure, gentle stretches and rotations, working energy points and Meridian channels, to promote a healthy balanced energetic flow in my clients. This is not a "one-size-fits-all" treatment - it is adapted to the individual requirements of each individual, and further adapted to their dynamic energetic patterns at the time of each treatment. (Please note that this Shiatsu massage is given by a Student-level Practitioner).

  • Summertime Bliss Pregnancy Package

    Experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with the Summertime Bliss Pregnancy Package from ReikiEma, exclusively at the Juniper Clinic. The package includes a full-body massage tailored specifically for pregnancy, a Reiki treatment to balance and energize your body and mind, and a guided meditation that allows you to connect with your baby on a deeper level. The massage helps to ease tight muscles, alleviate nausea, and improve circulation, whilst the Reiki treatment helps to balance your energy holistically, and promotes deep relaxation and uplift. Book now to enjoy a smoother and more blissful pregnancy journey.

  • 121 Meditation Therapy

    No experience required. Take control of your life, stop the effects of stress and reactivity from holding you back, and start to move forward on your own path, towards your personal goals. Allow me to create for you a bespoke therapeutic meditation, specifically tailored to your needs, level of experience, and your own strengths and preferred style. Using therapeutic meditation can help you begin to gently release long-standing blockers and unhelpful habits, deal with any long-standing issues that have been holding you back, and support you in your own meditation practice. This is a powerful tool that once learned, with a commitment to your regular practice, you will be able to continue using and growing, for the rest of your life.

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  • Train in Reiki with ReikiEma

    Reiki courses *NOVETAT* Curs de Reiki 1 (Iniciació). (dates provisionals del curs a continuació) ​ Una introducció al Reiki, i 4 sintonitzacions de la Federació de Reiki del Regne Unit, Mestra Mestra de Reiki registrada Ema Melanaphy, per donar-vos mans curatives. Apreneu sobre Reiki i les maneres en què podeu utilitzar-lo! Descobreix què és la curació energètica i aprèn sobre els diferents sistemes energètics del cos. ​ A Reiki 1 (nivell no professional), podeu utilitzar Reiki per a vosaltres mateixos, familiars i amics, i animals de companyia. També descobriràs altres maneres en què el Reiki es pot utilitzar a la teva vida (meditacions de Reiki, tractaments pràctics i manuals, i molt més) i les posicions de les mans per donar un tractament complet . ​ Els cursos tenen una durada de 2 dies complets consecutius, si us plau, porteu el vostre dinar. Com a part d'aquest curs, els estudiants reben un Manual de Reiki 1, certificat de finalització i aperitius/begudes durant el curs. La mida mínima de la classe és de 2 persones, l'import del dipòsit del curs és de 50 £. Cost: 200 £ total (el saldo es paga 2 setmanes abans del curs ) *NOVETAT* Curs de Reiki 2 * (Practicant). (dates provisionals del curs a continuació) Un curs de 2 dies de nivell de practicant, que inclou manual, certificat i sintonitzacions al nivell 2 del Mestre de Reiki Ema Melanaphy. ​ Porta la teva experiència actual, aprenentatge i comprensió del Reiki al següent nivell. Apreneu a utilitzar els símbols que entren en joc en aquest nivell superior, així com tècniques de treball energètic més avançades. ​ El nivell 2 també inclou orientació pràctica, informació legal i empresarial sobre la creació de la vostra pròpia pràctica professional de Reiki i analitza l'autodesenvolupament i el desenvolupament professional. ​ Els cursos s'executen durant 2 dies consecutius i, un cop finalitzats, se us oferirà suport i assessorament continus del vostre Màster Reiki. La mida mínima de la classe és de 2 persones, l'import del dipòsit del curs és de 50 £. Cost: 250 £ total (el saldo es paga 2 setmanes abans del curs) *El Reiki 1 és un requisit previ per a aquest curs ​ Reiki 1 student, 2023 "Chilled and relaxing"

  • ReikiEma's Media

    Media 01 Wisdom Keepers Workshop Do you know or feel things intuitively sometimes, but don't know whether or when to trust in it completely? Not sure whether it's your own imagination/subconscious wish or actually guidance and wisdom? If this is something you've experienced, and you'd like to learn how to develop your intuition and make it work for you; to discover what tools and techniques are out there for you to use, and just how meditation (and the energies of the Fire and Water Elements) can be key to accessing your inner wisdom and connection with the divine within you, then this Workshop is for you! Watch Preview £ Buy from 1 £ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied 02 Guided Healing Meditation for Companion Animals and their Humans Create a safe, nurturing healing space for you and your animal companion, to help them de-escalate from triggered, fearful, panicked or upset states. Discover how to model your energy and mindset, in a way which will be helpful and soothing to both your companion, and yourself. This meditation is ideal for situations where your companion is over-stimulated or stressed-out, such as Bonfire Night, NYE or other times when they are likely to be triggered and/or overwhelmed. ​ To l earn more about the benefits of Meditation and what Therapeutic Meditation options Ema offers, check out the "About Therapeutic Meditation " page. Watch Preview £ Buy from 5,99 £ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied 03 UK Reiki Federation: Online Webinar panel A panel discussion featuring Ema, about stories and experiences of giving Reiki to animals, in Rescue Centres. 04 Veganism: an Interview with Ema Melanaphy, founder of ReikiEma Ema's interview with UK Therapy Rooms, who were interested in finding out more about being Vegan, as a Therapist. Click to read the Article, on UK Therapy Rooms' website. 05 Shiatsu Society Journal, Autumn 2022 An article by Ema published in the UK Shiatsu Professional Association: "Shiatsu Society Journal". In this article, Ema tackles the subject of Shizuto Masunaga's "Lifecycle of the Amoeba" (Zen Shiatsu's founder), in comparison with other Universal Archetypes, including the Fool's Journey, the Menstrual Wheel and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 06 Reiki World Magazine: Summer Edition - Animal Reiki article Article by Sue Malcolm , on the Panel discussion - quoting from Ema and other panellist participants in the UK Reiki Federation Webinar . 07 Mystic Mag interview "Mystic Mag" online magazine featured their interview with Ema, in one of their site's Blog articles. You can read it here .

  • ReikiEma's Clients' Testimonials

    El que diuen els meus clients... I've received both distance and in-person reiki treatments from Ema. Each session was a comforting, physically and spiritually nourishing experience, and whatever issue I was grappling with became clarified—not immediately, but gradually and on my own. Reiki with Ema isn't a "magic solution" but a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical recalibration that helps you yourself reset and redirect to a better path. Ema is a radiant and compassionate soul and a natural healer. I highly, highly recommend her treatments. Juhea Kim

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